Transplanting the roots and stalks of plants from parent plants is called dividing roots. If a root becomes too big, the plant will lose its vitality and can’t grow beautiful owers and sprouts.
It is as if the functions and specs are being branched o . The organic aspect of life and vitality are observed there. Products also have, such an aspect that life has, in a way. The relationship of functions, usages, and structures is what forms the shape of the product. Such natural process creates reasonably shaped products and allows them to be a part of living environment as a whole.
TRE is a table composed of three square chambers and has uniqueness in its structure. In the leg part, there is only one joint that combines all other chambers horizontally. That structure came along with an idea originally for shelves and it became a table by attaching a tabletop on the extended line of the joint. Although it is not exactly branched o , we can say that the table is continuously evolving as a product.